Monday 12 October 2015

Regional Magazine Pros and Cons

The pros of creating a magazine is that is fairly simple to create as it is all done in one place. This area of coursework is all done on the computer on a specific programme, and so there will be less complication in comparison to other areas of media, for example making a music video. There will be less planning in areas to film as it is all done in one place so this will be easier for the group to work with. It can also be an enjoyable topic as I can make it about something I enjoy (such as a specific music artist or a fashion magazine) and I can take my own photos so it gives it a more personal feel to my project.

However the cons of this is that I feel I may get fairly bored quite quickly with it. I would enjoy taking pictures for my magazine, but I feel once I start editing it together I will get bored and lose inspiration and interest with my topic due to doing the same thing as there is little variation in my project. Also, I think I would struggle after a while deciding what to put on the cover, as I feel that most covers are the same with their main image and text around it. I would want to create it so that it is different and unique, and I feel like I would struggle to maintain this as most magazines have the rough same guideline.

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