Friday 2 October 2015

Documentary Evaluative Reponse

I think our documentary was fairly successful. I think that documentaries should be made rather fun so that the audience don’t get bored, so I feel we did this by adding lots of information as well as making it entertaining by adding some upbeat non-diegetic music. We gained elements such as interviews and a voice over to portray the information across to the audience which I feel was successful.

I think we successfully applied some codes and conventions. We applied a lot of different camera angles and shots, mostly using handheld shots as documentaries mostly use these types of shots in order to capture the realism. We also included the use of interviews by using people in my group which were professional and detailed, as well as going up to random people to interview.

I think we could improve on our filming by adding more script work. Although we included lots of interviews that were all non-scripted, maybe by adding some scripted speech would make it look more a little more professional and extra information. Furthermore, this then links onto my point as we could have added more speech for the voice over, rather than only right at the beginning.

I think we could improve our editing by taking our time with it. Due to technical difficulties at first, this caused us to fall behind so our editing was rather rushed which showed in the final product. So next time I think we should take our time with it rather than rush. Also I think we used too much fast pace and so to improve I would cut this down a lot to make it look less messy.

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