Monday 12 October 2015

Evaluation of Franklin Start

What have you learnt in each of the four areas?
I have learnt a variety of different skills for each of the four areas. For music videos, I have learnt about the codes and conventions in which help to create a specific type of music video, depending on the message you want to get across. For example, if the song's genre is sad and slow, the music video may be a narrative music video with characters to present a story. Whereas if it is a fast, upbeat song, the music video may be a fast-edited performance video of the band/artist. For documentaries, I have learnt about what elements help create a successful documentary in order to keep the audience of a specific topic interested, yet kept professional and educational. This is done by a clear voice over with the use of statistics, and usually interviews with specific people to back up the evidence/statistics given. For video game advertisements, I have learnt about how advertisements have changed and developed over time. I have learnt that companies would have advertised their products back in the 80s by showing children playing the game, whereas companies nowadays would mostly show clips of the game being played with a voice over on the top, usually the voice over being the main character of the game. This shows different ways in which these games were advertised, and how gaming advertisement and society itself has changed over 30 years. Finally for a regional magazine, I have learnt and identified the different codes and conventions that create a magazine cover and double page spread. The codes and conventions used a varied based on the region of the magazine and what is suitable for the given audience. For example, if it is a tourist magazine, there would be a lot of secondary images of the tourist attraction.

What could you improve on in each of the four areas?
For music videos, I feel I could improve on looking at a variety of more shots that I could use in order to vary my music video more. I could explore the different types used and the effect this could have on the audience and look at why I have chosen to use a specific shot. I could also explore a variety of different ways in order to present a specific genre. For example if I want to create a dark looking set, I could look at editing it into black and white or using a smoke machine. I could improve on my documentary by using less editing (such as cutting down the fast editing) and include more factual information. This will help make the documentary look more professional. I could also expand on the interviews, as although I feel this was our strongest point, I feel we could have made this longer and possibly included more interviews to explain about how a documentary is made. For video game advertising, I feel I could have improved on my variation of the games I chose to look at. I feel I could have chosen games from a more varied time period, which would have helped me explore the development over time better. We also could have spoke more about the games during our voice over more by including more terminology and key words which tie in with our chosen games as to how they link with the development of the games over time. Finally, I could have improved on my magazine cover by thinking more carefully about what I want to talk about. I went out taking random pictures for the cover without coming up with any idea what I wanted my magazine to be about. So to improve I think I should choose a specific genre I want to create and then find ways in which I can present this through a photo which I can easily take. I can also look at different magazines of the same genre and gain ideas as to what is presented on the front and how this can help me with my magazine in the future.

Based on your experience, what task would you like to take forward into coursework and why?
Based on my experience, I think I would like to take forward the task of creating a music video with my coursework. I would be interested in creating a music video as music is something that not only myself am interested in, but everyone is interested in as everyone listens to some form of music. I thoroughly enjoyed this topic the most and I feel I could offer more taking forward this area of coursework, as it is a very open area. It will allow me to explore different ways to present this music video by using different shots and editing skills which I can experiment with. It sounds like a very enjoyable area for me to work with that I will be able to connect with well, so I know I will be able to perform better than with the other areas of media.

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