Friday 4 December 2015

Main Task, Music Video (Draft 1) Feedback

Here is our feedback from our class for our first draft of our music video. These helpful improvements has given me a clear indication on how to improve this music video. Overall, the majority of the our feedback is very positive, with good use of camerawork and working between the performance and narrative sides of the music video. We also used the editing well by having the music stopped through the music video for effect, and the overall narrative of the music video was well thought through. I feel we also gained very useful suggestions for improvements, we will look at colour correction in order for it to look more grunge like, in order for it to link with the overall genre of the band more. We could also add something in order for it to look more noticeable to the audience that the girl is texting the band members. For example, I am not keen on the idea of the text coming up on the screen of what the text message is saying as I think that is slightly cheesy, so I think it will look better if we just include a sound effect of a text tone going off in order to make it look more noticeable as to what is happening. In order for some of the shots in the music video to look less lengthy (as I am aware that some of the shots can be approximately 8-10 seconds long), we will cut some of these shots down and replace the remaining time with reactions/close ups of the band members in order to add variation with our shots.

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