Friday 11 December 2015

Friday 4 December 2015

Main Task, Music Video (Draft 1) Feedback

Here is our feedback from our class for our first draft of our music video. These helpful improvements has given me a clear indication on how to improve this music video. Overall, the majority of the our feedback is very positive, with good use of camerawork and working between the performance and narrative sides of the music video. We also used the editing well by having the music stopped through the music video for effect, and the overall narrative of the music video was well thought through. I feel we also gained very useful suggestions for improvements, we will look at colour correction in order for it to look more grunge like, in order for it to link with the overall genre of the band more. We could also add something in order for it to look more noticeable to the audience that the girl is texting the band members. For example, I am not keen on the idea of the text coming up on the screen of what the text message is saying as I think that is slightly cheesy, so I think it will look better if we just include a sound effect of a text tone going off in order to make it look more noticeable as to what is happening. In order for some of the shots in the music video to look less lengthy (as I am aware that some of the shots can be approximately 8-10 seconds long), we will cut some of these shots down and replace the remaining time with reactions/close ups of the band members in order to add variation with our shots.

Main Task, Music Video (Draft 1)

This is our first draft of our music video. For this music video, we have used a variety of different shots such as long shots, close ups, handheld, track and we made sure we had a good variety to keep it fresh and broad. We have used specific shots such as handheld shots for the performance part of the music video in order to enhance the idea of danger of the band and medium shots of the girl so we can see her facial expression every time she gets one of the band members. We have also looked closely at the editing for this, as we decided to cut the song up and add pauses in the video to add some humour and narrative to the story, so that the audience gets the idea as to what is happening when the band members look at their phone.

Poster Pre-production - Photography

These photos we took are all of the photography for the poster. We required doing some re-shooting due to our first draft of photos being blurry, and so these are our first and second drafts of our photos for our poster.

First Draft:

 Second Draft:

Should this idea fail, we have taken images of the band together and individually which we can also use.

Idea 2:

Poster Pre-production - Layout design thumbnails

This is our layout for our original idea for our poster. We aim to have an image of our main girl holding a picture of all the band member, whilst she is crossing them out with a red marker pen in order to show she has achieved her goal in having all of them. However should this idea fail, we will go for the simple idea of having close ups of all of the band members, and have the images edited to make it look as grunge like as possible. With the logo of the band 'Grind' above the images.

Poster Pre-production - Photoshoot Plan

The idea for our poster is to have an over the shoulder shot of the band from the female character in our music video. We are going to use the band for the poster as the main part of poster being them. The female character being less important in the poster. For the female character we need to get a girl with white hair. We will use Philippa who was in the music video, or if she is unavailable we will try and find someone different If we can't get Philippa, we have our fried Mica as a back up. We also want the band against a brick wall because its a very basic background and easy to find, but also because it looks like something from a grunge video. Also the photo shoot will be in black and white as we was influenced by the posters nirvana had for their band. The bands name will be along the bottom just so we don't ruin the picture and its out the way of the shoot.

Should this idea fail for a specific reason, we have a back up plan of the female character's shoulder and the band name on the brick wall. We could also print out a picture of each of the band member's, and she could have them on a sheet of paper whilst she is ticking off their names, indicating she has been with this band member.

Digipak Pre-production - Layout design thumbnails (Annotated)

This is our layout design plan for our digipak, which is annotated explaining our choices.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Digipak Pre-production - Photoshoot Plan

Our plan for our photo shoot for our digipak is to go for the idea of creating a whole face by using different features from all the band members (a rough example shown above). We shall do this by taking close-up head shots of all the band members separately, and using different areas of their face to put together.
We plan to take pictures on the 7/12/2015 at the band's band practice, in order so that it gives a real feel to the band members as they are rehearsing. The background shall be a simple white/grey background so there are no distractions and that it looks professional and the quality is good.

Digipak Pre-production - Drafts of Copy

The first Official Music video for, Grimsby based band, Grind. This track 'Unnamed' is the third track from Grind's debut EP 'A Toast to Big Bertha' recorded at Wragholme Road Studio.
Performance section of the music video performed at 29 Grafton Street. Narrative section of the music video performed at 14 Albery Way. 
Lead Vocals/Guitar - Connor Gregory
Bass/Backing Vocals - Jake Edwards
Drums/Backing Vocals - Jack Rylatt
Full EP -

No need to store my name, I'm on speed dial,
I just wish that you'd hang around for a while,
'Coz girl to me you're different from the most,
But all I am to you is another mark, on your bed post.

When it's over girl will you remember my name?
'Coz when we're done, you got noone to blame,
I've got you pinned on your bedroom floor, scream my name, I know you want some more,
But when it's over girl will you remember my name.

I'll never know who's your next victim,
What you're doing, or where you picked him,
But when you're bored I know you'll come back to me,
You'll be surprised, when I show you no mercy.

When it's over girl will you remember my name?
'Coz when we're done, you got noone to blame,
I've got you pinned on your bedroom floor, scream my name, I know you want some more,
But when it's over girl will you remember my name.

Extra thanks:
"This is our first music video and single release and we're super stoked on it.
Special thanks to Chloe Moran & Michael Nalder for doing all the shooting for our video,
and Wragholme Road studio for recording our EP." - Connor Gregory (Lead Guitar/Vocals)

Written by:
Connor Gregory - Lead Vocals/Lead Guitar
Jake Edwards - Bass/Backing Vocals
Jack Rylatt - Drums/Backing Vocals

Digipak Pre-production - Photography

These are the images we are using for the front cover of the digipak. For our digipak, we will have an image of each of the band members separately with the 'Grind' logo at the top. We are using these chosen images as these are the most clear and professional looking images we have of the band members, and with the correct editing, I think the images will look well put together:

These are other photography we took:

This is the photo we are using for the back cover. We are using this image rather than the others as the band are all facing the correct direction and it is more in focus than the others:
 Other images we used: