Friday 5 February 2016

Evaluation Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary tasks?

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Evaluation Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For our main task, we set out to create a grungy looking music video for our chosen local band, Grind. For our ancillary tasks, we set out to create a poster and digipak in order to help promote our main task. I feel that we achieved what we set out to do as our tasks all linked very well and by looking at our audience feedback (question 3), this also supports my point that I feel this was successful.

I feel my ancillary tasks promote my main task successfully as I aimed to make all of my tasks similar, in order to make it easier to promote the band so the audience could get a feel for the band and their genre. Due to wanting our target audience to get a feel for what the band are about, we aimed to ensure that the ancillary tasks linked in with the genre to ensure that they too were grungy looking, which we did by using the same colour scheme all the way through of blacks and greys. We also used the same scratchy effect for the photos we used for both the poster and the digipak. We used similar photos for the ancillary tasks as to how the band appeared, so that all of the tasks linked in together. We aimed to make sure the ancillary tasks appealed to our audience so that it helped promote the main task easier.

Our products use cross media promotion opportunities mostly in my ancillary tasks. On our poster, we have included links to websites such as Youtube and Sound Cloud which make it more accessible to our audience. Therefore it is made very clear that my ancillary tasks promote my main task, although I feel that I could have added more in the digipak to promote this, perhaps by adding links in inside of the digipak.
Although at the end of our music video, we didn't include a promotion to persuade our audience to buy the CD (digipak) which if I were to do this again, is something I would include.

There is definitely a clear house style/brand identity across our products as we have kept the continuous repetition of the band's logo, colour scheme and images of the band. We used these similar codes and conventions so that the band become easily identifiable to the audience. We used all of these elements to ensure that it made it obvious that all of our products are linked with the same factors.
We simply used the already created 'Grind' logo, and we created other titles by using We ended up choosing Slave Only Dreams to be King. We chose this specific fonts as we felt it linked in with grunge as a genre, as it was similarly presented as the 'Grind' logo, so it was a font which fit fairlywell. It linked in with the genre grunge, which was presented through the saturated editing, fast paced editing and dark mise-en-scene.

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