Sunday 22 November 2015

Evidence of the Music Video

Here is evidence of all of us editing our music video together. For the music video, we used the programme Adobe Premiere to edit this together. And here is evidence of filming taking place.

Monday 16 November 2015

Update Vlog

Here is an overview of our pre-planning so far. Here we say how we have completed all of the planning for our tasks and when we are due to film.


Friday 13 November 2015

Primary Research

This is the primary research we took for our music video. Looking at this research, the majority of the people interviewed do watch music videos on a regular basis, and the people we interviewed are our age range of people our music video is targeted towards. According to this research, a lot of people enjoy watching the genre of rock, which is what our genre of music is. This will help us with our production of work as it should mean a lot of our audience should enjoy this music video once created. The audience for our music video tend to enjoy the performance side of music, and so this helps us as it has helped me understand that we should make our music video performance based as well as narrative based. Overall, I found that our audience enjoy the performance side to music videos for our genre, and so this will help the production of our work by using this, as well as mixing this with a narrative part to the music video to make it different and intriguing.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Location Recce

These are the locations we will be using to film our music video in/at. I have listed the ways of travelling there and how long it will take regarding the equipment.

Phone Calls Made

After careful consideration, we decided that is would be a very long process that we simply did not have the time for. And so because of this, we decided to use one of the group member's garage as one of the grungy looking locations for the performance part of the music video.

Risk Assessment

This is the risk assessment involving all possible risks which could occur whilst filming, ways in which we can prevent them, and numbers on who to call should things happen.

Prop/Costume/Equipment List

For our music video, we will need the following:

  • Phones
  • Car
  • House (for stairs, room with bed)
There will be no specific costume for this music video. As it is a laid back rock music video, the actors/musicians will be in casual clothing. This will be t-shirts, flannel shirts, jeans, jackets etc.

  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Dolly and track
  • Instruments for the band for the performance part of the music video

Shooting Script

These are the shots that we will be using for our music video. We will be using these shots several times, repeated with the band members as we plan to repeat the same shots with each band member.


This is a rough storyboard for our music video. We will use these shots as a rough guide to follow for the narrative and performance parts of our music video.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


For the location for our music video, we went to the Docks to look for possible places. We found some grim looking areas with numbers which we could call should we want to use a specific place.
The positives for filming in a place is the overall setting is rather creepy and grim looking which is the place we are looking for. It is also local so it is not too far to get to and it will be easy to transfer instruments and cameras. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Inital Ideas

Grind - Unnamed

The idea for this music video is half performance, half narration (for locations see 'location record' blog post). The performance part of the video is going to be different shots of the band, both separately and as a whole band. Our surrounding is to have a dirty, abandoned feel to it, this is why we went round the docks of Grimsby to see what we could find.
The idea for the narration part relates to the lyrics and meaning of the song. The song being called "Unnamed" is about one night stands, illicit sex with strangers and 'booty calls'. We thought to go with this feel, each member of the band will be contacted by said girl and will then go to her house to sleep with her (this will be done in a subtle manner e.g: The camera follows them upstairs and a flannel shirt is hung on the outside of the bedroom door.) Another shot would be after the girl has slept with the members of the band, she tallies it on her bed post, relating to the lyrics "All I am to you is another mark, on your bedpost." After the sex, each member of the band will be 'pie-faced' by this girl, to symbolize that it meant nothing to her. 

Shot Ideas

Split-Screen - the use of this will allow all band members to be on screen at the same time with different shots. It can also mean we can show different scenes at the same time, should a specific lyric be significant.

Texting - this shot will be made clear to the audience what is happening, as the message from the girl is important. This informs the audience what is happening, as well as it links to the lyrics of the song.

Establishing Shot - the establishing shot will be used to set the scene which will be used towards the beginning and end of the music video.
Close ups - close ups will be used mainly on the band member's faces separately for specific lyrics to enhance importance. They will also be used on props which are also important, such as phones for example.

Pov shot